How to easily create a blog using Hugo

What is Hugo?

Hugo is an open-source framework to simplify the process of creating static websites. There are a lot of different templates we can use online, which are usually very simple but beautiful. Some of them are even pretty original such as this one inspired in Mr. Robot.

Now that we had a brief introduction of what Hugo is, let us make the theory into practice.



We can install Hugo on Windows with Chocolatey:

choco install hugo

Or with scoop:

scoop install hugo

Linux and MacOS

We can use Homebrew for the installation:

brew install hugo

Additionally, if you are using MacPorts on macOS, you can install with:

port install hugo

Getting started

  1. Create your site typing:

     hugo new site myblog
  2. Download a templates

     git submodule add themes/hulga
  3. Create content by typing

     hugo new posts/
  4. Write content in posts/

  5. Hugo will build the content for you with the command

  6. You can serve the website on localhost with the following command:

     hugo -D serve
  7. If you go to localhost:1313 you can check your new blog